Texas NORML’s 8th Annual Texas Marijuana March – May 9th – Austin, TX
April 17, 2015
Texas NORML Legislative Update
May 14, 2015Action Alert HB-3785 Committee Hearing
Comprehensive Medical Marijuana Hearing in Austin, TX
We stood by Rep. Márquez as she announced the introduction of House Bill 3785, Texas’ first bill that would create a whole plant, comprehensive medical cannabis program. Now the bill is up for consideration by the House Public Health Committee! Stay up to date by joining our event page.
Starting at 8:00 a.m., you can SIGN UP IN FAVOR OF THE BILL.
You can sign up on the Underground Extension on one of the consoles in the hallway.
You don’t have to come all the way into the building in order to sign up. Once you are within range the Capitol WiFi network, you can sign in on your mobile device. Instructions found here. (Note: You do not need to stay at the Capitol after signing up in favor of the bill. This should take about an hour from parking to completion of sign in.)
**Please dress professionally.**
PARKING INFO found here. (Bring quarters if you’d prefer to use street parking.)
The hearing starts at 8:00 AM and you must sign up BEFORE the bills hearing has concluded. There will be over 20 bills heard and once HB 3785 has been heard, no more witnesses can be taken on it. We advise you to get there early to show your support. We will keep updates on the event page.
If you are unable to travel to Austin, please contact the lawmakers in your district and ask them to support for HB 3785 via the on-line form available here.