Texas NORML’s 420 Happy Hour
March 31, 2021Hearing Alert: Medical Cannabis Bill 1535
April 1, 2021Tuesday, April 6th: House Criminal Jurisprudence Committee will meet to consider a number of marijuana bills which aim to reduce penalties for possession. The meeting will begin at 1pm or upon adjournment of the House. Click here to learn more about all bills up for consideration.
Update (4/9/21): Watch the hearing here!
Here’s how you can help:
1) Submit written comments electronically. These comments will be included in the official legislative record and are a great way for you to show your support. Comments can be as simple as, “I support this legislation. Thank you for your consideration and service!” (Please note that you will have up to 3000 characters.)
You could also include a personal testimonial if you or a loved one have been impacted by prohibition. Remember to keep it concise and always be respectful when communicating with lawmakers.
2) Provide written or in-person testimony if you have personal or professional experience. Testimony can be provided several ways: written and submitted electronically, written and delivered in-person (12 copies), or oral testimony submitted in-person on the day of the hearing (2 minutes). If you’re planning to testify in-person, please let us know so we can coordinate. In-person witness registration can be found here. Instructions related to public access to the meeting location and health and safety protocols for attending this meeting are available here.
When visiting the Capitol, please always dress professionally.
3) Contact your representative in support of marijuana penalty reduction.
A live video broadcast of this hearing will be available here.

Follow this Facebook event for live updates and a link to the live stream.
Learn how to become a member of our organization. Make a donation towards our important work during the 2021 Legislative Session. Shop at the Texas NORML store.