HB 63: Next Steps
March 5, 2019Crowdfunding for Medical Marijuana in Texas
March 11, 2019Monday, March 25th, 2019
8:30am to 12:30pm
Texas State Capitol Building – Capitol Grill on Level E1
1100 Congress Ave, Austin, TX 78701
Seniors from all over Texas will join together at the state Capitol to meet other like-minded seniors, learn about current legislation and join with others from your district in visiting each of your legislators’ offices. This is our time to tell the legislative body just how important changing the Texas cannabis laws are.
This is to ensure we have enough resources for all attendees. We will send maps an information to registrants a few days before the event.
8:30am – Registration/Check-in (Capitol Grill, E1)
9:30am – Training
10:30am – Break into teams
11am – Start visiting offices!
Please note that we will have a 20 person bus coming from Sun City, Texas to the Capitol Building. Register to ride on the bus HERE.
Entrance is off E 12th St. or E 13th St.
Exit is onto San Jacinto Blvd. Parking is free for the first 2 hours and $1.00 for each half hour thereafter.
ADA Accessibility Guide
Complimentary coffee service thanks to 420 Science!
Facebook Event for live updates.
We want our presence to make a difference in this year’s session! Bipartisan support for medical marijuana is strong and seniors are a demographic whose voice needs to be heard! Please mark your calendar and plan on representing seniors who may not be able to get to Austin. Remember…one, in-person visit represents multiple other constituents.
Questions? Sun City folks please contact Bob Carey or Teresa Quinn-Krueger and watch for more information on the Sun City Facebook page. All others, please contact Betty Grimes at [email protected] or Jax Finkel at [email protected]