Can You Smell It?
October 18, 2012Take a Step Texas!
December 4, 2012Attention Texas NORML members – this year’s annual members’ mixer is a night you will not want to miss!
Taking place Saturday, November 10th from 7-11 pm, this year’s mixer will feature a prohibition era theme, with costumes from that period highly encouraged. Prizes awarded for best costumes. Grand prize is a vaporizer, so dress to the nines! We will also be holding a raffle with a lot of other great prizes, and anyone in costume receives 2 for 1 raffle tickets.
Music will be provided by two great local acts, The Love Leighs and RPD, “Cage Free Country Music”.
Comedy will be provided by the crew of Austin’s own Mustache Podcast, who will also be interviewing any interested Texas NORML members and sponsors throughout the evening for a podcast they will produce and post on their website as well.
This event will be a short 10 minute drive from downtown and fully catered BBQ Style. Please notify us if a vegetarian option is required and we will accommodate. Iced tea, lemonade and water will be provided, but otherwise please BYOB (no glass drink containers please).
Each current Texas NORML member is permitted to bring along one non-member guest, so please bring along a friend or family member you think might like to become a part of our group! Or, you can purchase a new Texas NORML Membership and a ticket to the mixer for just $35.
The location of the mixer will be revealed to ticketholders the week of the event. Tickets will be held at will call.