My Fox Austin:California Pot Proposition Goes Up In Smoke/TX Norml Executive Director on Fox News
November 4, 2010Norml Blog:Like It Or Not, Pot Taxes Are Coming to California/Sometimes Stoners Are Our Own Worst Enemy: Allen St Pierre NORML Exec Dir(Video)
November 10, 2010Article by our good friend Steve Elliot from about how the support for legalization across the US has never been stronger. While Prop 19 and other initiatives failed to pass this election, it still brought our cause to the national forefront and we refuse to be pushed back underground. We are many, we are motivated and we are tired of unjust laws hurting our people and our country. We have 2 more years until the next election but we can start the push now by calling our representatives and letting them know how we feel. We want them to hear from us loud and clear what we as their constituents want. Keep fighting for what you believe in, keep calling and keep voting. Help be a part of the change you want to see in cannabis law reform.
“Within the past months, more and more of the once seemingly insurmountable barriers to widespread acceptance of cannabis have been looking mighty shaky. Nationwide polls show that more and more Americans support legalization across the board.
The latest Gallup poll on the subject found 44 percent approve full legalization of pot, representing a 13-point rise in the past nine years. According to Gallup, if public support continues growing at the present rate of 1 or 2 percent per year, “the majority of Americans could favor legalization of the drug in as little as four years.”
Toke of the Town tends to think majority support could happen even more quickly than that, as more “closet” supporters are emboldened by an increasingly public shift in opinion.
On the West Coast, we’ve already reached that point; the Gallup survey shows a 53 percent majority favoring legalization. As those kinds of numbers spread eastward, you can bet that politicians will get the idea.”
to read the entire article, click here. Peace and Good Buds
Topher Belsher
Officer-Online Community Outreach